Know Your Pet DNA by Ancestry

With Know Your Pet DNA, you can learn more about your dog’s breed mix, traits, and matches. To help you learn your dog’s story, you can redeem one free dog DNA kit.

Now through December 31, 2024, use your assigned employee discount code to buy Know Your Pet DNA kit for $0 per kit and get free standard shipping. You can use the code for yourself or share it with a family member or friend.

Access Your Employee Discount Code

  1. Log in to Workday.
  2. Click on Employee Discounts in the Applications box.

Your discount code can be used one time for a free dog DNA kit. Note: This code can only be used when the product is priced at full price.

To place an order for a free dog DNA kit, go to one of the links below (based on your location), and enter your employee discount code into the coupon field when ordering.

Stay Tuned for Pet DNA Kit Discounts for Family and Friends

Coming soon, you will be given an additional discount code that you can share with a family member or friend (or you can order an additional kit for yourself).


Ancestry Total Rewards
